9 Surprising Traits Dogs Love In Humans – Do You Have These?

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Did you know that some of the things you shouldn’t do with people are exactly what dogs love most?

9 Unexpected Traits Dogs Love In Humans

Let’s uncover the unexpected.

1. Eye contact

It might seem counterintuitive, but avoiding eye contact works wonders when it comes to how willing dogs are to approach you.

To dogs, eye contact is uncomfortable. Even dogs that know you’re trustworthy might still find eye contact with you threatening.

If you’re familiar with aggressive body language and dogs, you can see why eye contact is such a problem.

They’re always careful to never look away from a threat when they’re ready to fight.

This allows them to be prepared for an attack so they can get out of the way or retaliate.

an unblinking stare and a tense posture; their hackles might even be up along their back to make them look bigger

is a dog’s way of saying you crossed a line; in this case, staring back is a challenge and might make the situation worse.

This is why dogs diffuse tension by looking away.

Some eye contact with dogs who are comfortable with it can be a good thing, but for dogs who don’t want to be stared at, they’re most drawn to people who don’t see their eyes at all.

2. The first move is theirs

In all the excitement of meeting a new dog, a lot of people forget to let the dog make the first move.

This is something most dog owners fall for too. 

Maybe it’s not strange dogs, but even your puppy can feel overwhelmed with all the attention sometimes.

The thing is, dogs feel the safest when they have time to read the situation before deciding how to respond.

They’re observant and careful; both traits served their wolf ancestors well and are still important to dogs today.

Standing back to study their surroundings lets them decide whether they’re safe or whether it’s better to make a hasty retreat.

Not meeting their eyes is a good way of telling your dog that it’s their move.

In the same way, letting them sniff you before you try to interact with them allows them to judge who you are through your scent.

They can tell a lot by how you smell, including whether you have good intentions or treats in your pocket.

A lot of the time, the people dogs find the most interesting are the ones who ignore them completely.

Maybe you’re not the most outwardly affectionate person in the family, but your distant approach might make you your dog’s favorite.

3. That’s the spot

Humans aren’t the only ones with preferences when it comes to social interactions.

Dogs have likes and dislikes too.

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They can be particularly fussy about how you interact with them even if they’re happy to receive any sort of attention from you.

They want to know their needs are being met and that you respect their preferences.

They might love a vigorous ear rub or belly scratch or even a fierce battle of tug; it gets all their nerves tingling or their heart racing, and they absolutely adore it.

Sometimes they just prefer a much gentler approach, or they might be a dog who doesn’t enjoy playing rough.

One of the best ways to get your dog’s attention is to pet them in exactly the right way.

The right spot matters too.

There’s nothing worse than trying to enjoy affection; in most cases, dogs love people who give them gentle ear rubs over rough and ready head pats.

For one, a massage is always pleasant, but those head pats can feel a little too uncomfortable; your dog might even feel threatened.

The more gentle you are with your dog, the safer they feel.

4. Not much of a hugger

Speaking of preferences, dogs really aren’t huggers or much into kissing for that matter. 

Sure, some of them might tolerate a hug or two because they know it makes you happy, but that doesn’t mean they enjoy it.

These simple gestures of affection even scare some dogs; they don’t like feeling trapped.

to them being wrapped in your arms or clutched close to your chest isn’t fun; it goes against every survival Instinct they have

Sure, they trust you to protect them, but what if something happens?

How are they supposed to run away if they get scared? How do they protect you if they can’t move?

They like cuddling into your personal space just like anyone else, but they enjoy it much better when you don’t hold them in place.

If you’re not much of a hugger yourself, you might find your dog cuddling up to you more often. They know they found a kindred spirit.

5. Speak without words

Let’s admit it, as dog owners, we all talk to our pooches; it’s fun, and they always give you that adoring stare that tells you they’re hanging on every word.

or at least they’re in love with the sound of your voice

Considering the language barrier, they might not understand much of what you said at all, but then how do you speak their language in a way they understand?

If you start barking at your dog, you’ll probably get a few odd looks from your dog and anyone who encounters you at the time.

Not to mention you have no clue what different barks even mean.

A dog’s language is mostly silent, and speaking it means reading their body language.

This plays a part in the let them come to you and meeting their preferences tips we mentioned earlier too.

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The more you take a step back when they pull away or scratch that spot, they push right into your hand; the more they adore you.

6. Provide plenty of attention

A 2016 study published in the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Journal found that many dogs value their owner’s praise as much as they do food.

Some dogs even prefer praise over treats.

No matter how long they’ve been domesticated, dogs still have the same pack instincts as their wolf ancestors.

They form much stronger bonds with humans than wolves would, admittedly, but their pack is still important.

Knowing they’re part of a family is important to them; this is why they’re so eager to please you.

You’re not just their owner. You’re their packmate.

They want to support, protect, and love you because you’re theirs, so it’s only expected that they prefer people who return their affection.

You’re showing them that they’re part of your pack as much as you’re part of theirs.

It reassures them that they’re loved and that they make you happy.

7. Be their perfect match

When you make friends with someone, you always look deeper than face value. 

Personality, energy, and even preferences play a huge part in deciding whether you’re compatible.

There’s nothing worse than trying to make friends with someone who just doesn’t get why you enjoy the things you do or judges you for being too energetic.

these things matter to your dog too

No two dogs are exactly the same, even if they’re the same breed.

Sure, the breed can decide how active they are or whether they’re clingier than other dogs.

It can even affect whether they’re naturally drawn to one person or if they latch onto everyone in the family.

But dogs still have personality traits, favorite toys, and all that stuff that makes them an individual.

Dogs like spending time with people who match them. This can be anything from their energy levels.

A high-energy breed will be bored if you’re the type to stay at home, according to their personality. 

Shy dogs might be intimidated by large groups of friends.

Similarly, your emotions play a part too.

Dogs are incredibly empathetic; they use scent, body language, and your facial expression to read how you’re feeling.

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They also look to you for protection and safety. 

If you’re the sort to have very strong emotions, your dog might prefer to stay away, especially if those emotions are ones like anxiety, fear, or anger.

8. Have some paws-itivity

Just like they enjoy knowing they make you happy, dogs love spending time with people who make them happy in return.

Positive interactions make them feel good; it’s the same with you too.

Going back to our example about making friends, you’ve probably met someone whose personality just hasn’t matched well with yours.

Their gloominess can make it difficult to associate them with good memories, or maybe they were just plain mean.

Not someone you want to hang out with again, that’s for sure.

For dogs, spending time with someone who’s kind to them is like being rewarded for good behavior with their favorite treat.

Why wouldn’t they want to spend time with someone who makes them feel warm and cuddly?

They enjoy the company of positive people so much that they might seek you out when they’re stressed or sad.

9. Embrace your consistency

Sometimes it feels like small things have devastating consequences on your day.

The smallest change to your routine can be horrifying.

It’s something we’ve all experienced at some point, so most of us can sympathize with our routine-loving pooch.

They value people who are the most consistent because they know what to expect and how to make you happy.

Consistency isn’t just a case of feeding them on time, playing with them regularly, or going for walks every day.

It also means being reliable with training.

The more consistent you are with your expectations, the more comfortable your dog is.

Don’t be afraid to shake up your routine a little sometimes.

Dogs thrive on the occasional surprise, as long as you don’t mess with their dinner time, that is.

They love it when they get to explore new places with you.

Taking a car ride to a new dog park or hiking trail gives them somewhere other than your regular walking route to explore.

Some dogs bond so strongly with their owners they’d risk their lives to protect you.

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