Why Dogs Choose You As Their Favorite Person (10 Surprising Reason)

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Have you ever been hanging out with your dog, like just chilling on the couch, and then someone else walks in the room and your dog, like, completely ignores them?

I swear sometimes they act like I don’t even exist.

It makes you wonder, right? Like, how do dogs choose their favorite person? 

We’ll buckle up, buttercup, because in this blog post we’re diving deep into the K9 brain to uncover the secrets behind those puppy dog eyes.

We’re talking 10 surprising reasons why your dog might be obsessed with you. We’re talking real science here.

We’re going to find out if you’re your dog’s number one, and I’ll even throw in a bonus tip at the end that will make your dog love you even more than those disgusting wet food pouches.

Stick around; it’s going to be good.

Why Dogs Choose You As Their Favorite Person

1. They Can Smell Your Feelings (literally)

You know how dogs have like a superpower where they can sniff out a single Cheeto from a mile away

Well, it turns out their sniffers are even more powerful than we thought; they can actually smell our emotions.

Yeah, you read that right.

dogs can sense changes in our hormones which basically means they know when we’re stressed, anxious, or even about to cry over a sad dog commercial

And you know what’s even crazier? They prefer to be around people who make them feel safe and relaxed.

So if you’re the kind of person who freaks out over a little spilled milk, your dog might be secretly judging you. Just saying, I’m not judging. I’m just the messenger.

and also I spill things all the time; it happens. 

But listen to this: dogs can even detect changes in your heart rate and body language like they’re basically furry little lie detectors. 

So if you’re trying to hide your true feelings from your dog, good luck with that. They see right through you without actually seeing because they don’t understand what seeing really means.

It’s all about smells and vibes, man.

2. Stop staring; speak their language.

Real talk, have you ever met someone who just stares at you intensely without blinking? It’s super uncomfortable, right?

Like, do I have something in my teeth? Did I forget to put on pants this morning?

Well, guess what? Dogs feel the same way about us.

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Staring is basically dog language for I’m going to steal your food and challenge you to a dominance battle.

and nobody wants that, especially not me, because I am very small and will lose.

So if you’re trying to make friends with a new dog, the last thing you want to do is loom over them and stare them down; that’s just rude.

Instead, try getting down on their level. Crouch down, look away, maybe even do a little yawn; it shows them you’re not a threat.

Be cool like The Fawns but with less leather and more belly rubs.

And for the love of all things furry, please don’t pat them on the head without letting them sniff your hand first.

That’s like rule number one of dog etiquette.

3. Childhood bonding

okay this one is kind of a heartbreaker for anyone who didn’t meet their dog as a tiny little fluff ball

dogs form their strongest bonds during puppyhood especially with whoever is feeding them, training them, playing with them and basically being their best friend 24/7

it’s like imprinting but with less geese and more poop on the floor

So if you were lucky enough to be there during your dog’s formative years, congrats, you’ve probably secured a lifetime supply of doggy kisses and unconditional love.

but if you adopt your dog as an adult don’t worry it’s not a lost cause you can still become their favorite it just takes a little more work, like a lot more work.

think Gourmet treats, endless belly rubs and maybe even learning how to speak fluent dog. okay maybe not that last one but you get the idea

4. Love Stinks! (in a good way)

We’ve all been there, you’re snuggling on the couch with your dog maybe watching a marathon of The Golden Girls and you get a whiff of something. Pungent!

And you realize it’s not the cheesecake you ordered. Yeah, dogs can be stinky but you know what’s even weirder they love our stink even more than we love theirs

It’s true dogs have this crazy sense of smell like 40 times stronger than ours and they use it to remember people and places

So that shirt you wore to the gym is the one that’s been marinating in your gym bag for a week

Yeah your dog loves that shirt because it smells like you and to them, you smell like love, security and probably a little bit like pizza

5. love at first sniff

Okay we’ve all been there you meet someone and bam it’s like fireworks

Well it turns out dogs can experience love at first sight too or Love at First sniff I guess 

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Sometimes there’s just an instant connection between a dog and a human it could be their energy, their scent, or maybe they just have a trustworthy face who knows

Dogs work in mysterious ways but one minute they’re sniffing your shoes and the next minute they’re showering you with doggy kisses and demanding belly rubs it’s like magic

6. calling all introverts

All right introverts this one’s for you

Some dogs love the calm Quiet Energy you bring

Dogs are curious and when you don’t overwhelm them they feel safe approaching 

They appreciate a low-pressure Vibe where they can come to you on their terms

Ever noticed a dog sniffing around you even though you’re just sitting quietly they’re drawn to the calm energy

Let them approach you, and avoid rushing in for attention, a quiet approach often wins their hearts

So introverts you’re not just chilling alone you’re the mysterious stranger dogs can’t resist

Speaking of energy let’s explore how your Vibe matches or clashes with your dog’s personality

7. match their energy. win their heart

let’s be real folks not all dogs are created equal

Some dogs are like furry little balls of energy who need to run a marathon every day just to avoid chewing your furniture

Others are more like fluffy couch potatoes who are perfectly content to nap the day away

And guess what your dog’s favorite person might just be the one who matches their energy level

If you’re a high human who loves to hike, bike, and play fetch until you drop then you’re probably going to bond with a dog who has a similar zest for life

But if you’re more of a homebody who enjoys quiet nights in and the occasional stroll around the block then you might be a better match for a dog who’s equally as chill

8. It’s all about memories

Okay this one’s important dogs are like furry little memory banks they remember everything

Okay maybe not everything but they definitely remember the good times and the bad

If you’re the one who always gives them treats, plays their favorite games and takes them on fun adventures guess what you’re going to be their favorite person

But if you’re the one who always gives them baths Clips their nails and takes them to the vet well let’s just say they might not be as excited to see you it’s not personal it’s just dog logic

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9. Routine, routine, routine

Let’s be real we all love a good routine right 

Knowing what to expect and when to expect it just makes life easier

Well guess what dogs are obsessed with routine it makes them feel safe, and secure and know what the heck is going on in this crazy world

So if you want to win your dog’s heart be the person who provides that stability

Feed them at the same time every day, take them for walks at the same time, even go to bed at the same time

The more predictable you are the more your dog will see you as their Rock, their constant, their everything

10. Adventure buddies for life

Okay last but not least let’s talk about Adventure

Dogs are natural-born explorers they love to sniff new things, chase squirrels, and roll around in questionable substances

And you know what makes exploring even more fun doing it with their favorite human that’s right

If you want to bond with your dog on a deeper level take them on adventures

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, a trip to the dog park, a hike in the woods, or even just a walk around a different neighborhood can be an adventure for a dog

So there you have it folks 10 surprising reasons why your dog might be obsessed with you

Or you know, just mildly tolerant of your existence. just kidding

Bonus Tip

But before you go remember that bonus tip I promised

Want to guarantee you’re your dog’s favorite human

Making eye contact with them while speaking in a calm loving voice releases oxytocin the love hormone in both of you science says so 

Now it’s your turn, what’s one thing you’ve done that makes your dog absolutely adore you?

Share it in the comments I’d love to hear your stories

If you found this blog post insightful be sure to share it with those out there that are still not aware of it

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